DULUX Precision White Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer

SKU: 51WD0072-4L



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DULUX Precision White Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer



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Dulux 10L Precision White Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer is specifically formulated to bond to a variety of tough-to-coat surfaces. It provides an ideal base for topcoats and reduces the need to sand dense or glossy surfaces. With a strong grip and an ability to bond to smooth and glossy surfaces. It can be used as a primer, sealer, and undercoat depending on your needs.

  • Water-based primer 
  • Ideal for glazed tiles, glass, laminate, uPVC, and glossy enamels 
  • Suitable for interior and exterior use
  • Specifications

    SurfacesPVC, vinyl, glass, glazed tiles, high gloss enamels, fibreglass, galvanised steel, glazed brick, chalky paints, masonry, metal, uPVC, aged enamels, and Laminex®. 

    Further Product Information: 
