Zinsser Perma-White Eggshell 3.7L - Mould & Mildew Proof Interior Finish Paint
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Zinsser PERMA-WHITE Mould & Mildew-Proof Interior Paint is a water-based paint specifically designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the moisture prone areas in your home. Its unique formulation prevents mildew growth on the paint film even under the harshest conditions.
- Self priming, sticks to surfaces without sanding
- Great adhesion
- Durable, long lasting
- Easy application and clean up
- Interior use
- Also available in Satin and Semi-Gloss finishes
Two Coat System - No Priming Required! PERMA-WHITE is self-priming and will adhere to any sound surface. The first coat of PERMA-WHITE primes and seals the surface, providing a base for the topcoat. The topcoat completes the sealing process while providing scrub resistance and protection of the paint film from mould and mildew. Spot prime and fill all mail holes and gouges with Zinsser Ready Patch spackling compound. Seal all stains with an appropriate stain killing primer-sealer, such as B-I-N or Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer-Sealer, before painting.
May be tinted to off-white, pastel or medium colours with universal colourants. Use the pastel base formula for a given colour and adjust if necessary. Maximum tint - 118 mL per 3.7 litres (31 mL/1 L). Multiple containers of tinted paint should be intermixed (boxed) to ensure colour uniformity.
5 Years of Mould & Mildew Proof Paint Film Guarantee !
Available sizes: ¨0.95L, 3.7L, 10L
Further Product Information:
SDS Zinsser Perma-White Eggshell 3.7L |
Technical Data Sheet Zinsser Perma-White Eggshell 3.7L |
*this product contains a mildewcide to prevent the growth of mould & mildew on the paint film only.